Bond University leads national research on
how to enhance the postgraduate student experience
Twenty-first century students appear to have different wants and needs from previous generations. Students are seeking flexible, personalised learning opportunities with practical outcomes including employability. Students are recognising the importance of media literacy and communication and are looking for higher education that provides technology-enhanced learning and develops higher order thinking skills. In recognition of the evolving 21st century context, the Australian Government, Office for Learning and Teaching commissioned five national projects (awarded in December 2014).
One of these projects was awarded to Bond University as the lead institution, with partners – University of Southern Queensland, Victoria University, Australian Council for Educational Research and Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations. Associate Professors Linda Crane and Shelley Kinash are co-leading the project. Madelaine-Marie Judd is the Project Manager. Bond University was awarded $260,000 to conduct this research. The team is in the process of hosting postgraduate student engagement breakfasts and in-depth interviews and focus groups (with postgraduate students and staff) in all eight states and territories.
Bond University has been awarded two strategic priority projects and one Seed grant funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The Graduate Employability project, a strategic priority grant, engaged with employers, students, graduates and educators to greater understand how graduate employability can be effectively enhanced. The Student Evaluation project, a Seed grant, explored how universities can measure student engagement and learning success.
Click these links to find out more about these research projects.